Server Optimization Services

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Optimize your server. Attain the best performance for your websites.

This monthly service includes: 

  • Server Monitoring - Server monitoring is the systematic tracking, measuring, or observing of processes and operations on a server.
  • Server Updates - With regular server updates, you can be sure your website(s) is(are) operating most efficiently. 
  • PHP Updates - For security purposes, we completely remove older versions of PHP from the servers once they have reached “end of life”. 
  • WordPress Plug-in Updates - We will perform regular updates on your plugins after reading the version details of the plugin updates.
  • WordPress Theme Updates - Updating your WordPress theme automatically has risks. Entrust this task to Hispanic Market Advisors as we follow best practices.

Need also to retain us for assisting you with your ongoing server optimization services?

Contact us at to create a custom solution for your small business needs.